About Dúlra

Meet Kate Maher
Kate is Dúlra’s founder and lead practitioner. With over 15 years’ teaching experience, Kate has worked internationally and in diverse educational settings. A qualified primary school teacher and founding member of the Chartered Institute of Teaching, she also holds an Honours Bachelor’s Degree from the National College of Art and Design.
Raised in Dublin and Kildare, she combines her artistic background with musical expertise, having taught violin and Kinder -music with the Kildare Outreach Programme. She completed her Forest School Leadership Level 3 Certification with Huathe UK.
Kate has developed homeschool curriculae from scratch and has led programmes in the areas of English language, theatre, social education, and special needs support. Inclusivity and ensuring equal access to nature are at the forefront of Kate’s priorities when it comes to Forest School.
She is passionate about learning, nature, being outdoors and creative thinking.
Kate is Garda Vetted and holds up-to-date certifications in Paediatric First Aid, Remote Emergency Care and Children First Safeguarding from Tulsa.
“A bhuí le meantóirí spreagúla a bhí agam sa bhunscoil, bhí grá agam i gcónaí don Ghaeilge, cé nach raibh mé chomh líofa is gur mhaith liom a bheith. Bhí cónaí orm agus d’oibrigh mé thar lear mar sin ní raibh go leor deiseanna agam chun an spéis sin a fhás. Nuair a d’fhill mé ar Éirinn anuraidh, thit mé i ngrá leis an nGaeilge arís agus, an uair seo, go háirithe leis an teanga a úsáidimid maidir leis an dúlra. Thuig mé go bhfuil saibhreas d’eolas tíre le fáil sna focail dhúchasacha atá againn dár dtírdhreach, do shaol ár n-ainmhithe agus plandaí, dár n-aimsir, dár bhfarraigí. Creidim go paiseanta gur fiú an oidhreacht shanasaíoch seo a bheochan, gur áit iontach é an tsaoirse taobh amuigh chun é seo a dhéanamh, agus gurb iad na leanaí agus a n-intinn ag fás agus ag forbairt is fearr chun é sin a dhéanamh!
Tá sé mar aidhm ag Dúlra ná lúcháir fhadtéarmach a chothú inár bpáistí don Ghaeilge agus muinín a thabhairt dóibh í a úsáid ina saol laethúil. Tá an-áthas orainn a bheith páirteach i bpobal atá ag fás agus ar mian leo an Ghaeilge a chomhtháthú ina gcuid fiontar.”

Carina has been a Forest School leader since 2021, completing her training the year before. Her deep love for plant medicine, traditional cures, and folklore inspired her to leave a 23-year career as a civil servant and follow a path that connects her to nature.

Cressida spent her early years pouring over Brambly Hedge illustrations and then attempting to rebuild those whimsical worlds in her own back garden. When she left school, she faced a difficult choice between these two passions, so she followed both, earning an undergraduate degree in Illustration and a postgraduate degree in Ecology.

Carina Doyle
Forest School & Forest Club Facilitator
Carina has been a Forest School leader since 2021, completing her training the year before. Her deep love for plant medicine, traditional cures, and folklore inspired her to leave a 23-year career as a civil servant and follow a path that connects her to nature.
As a mother of three, including one now grown, Carina understands how essential it is for children in today’s tech-driven world to have a space where they can reconnect with the natural environment. She values the freedom Forest School offers, allowing children to thrive by exploring, learning, and building confidence in a safe woodland setting.

Carina is also a trained Track & Trail leader and delights in walking the Curragh plains, sharing stories of local history – from the mighty Fionn and the Fianna to the almost-forgotten Curragh Wrens, the flora and fauna, and even the modern army camp. She often ventures into the Wicklow Hills, seeking out the many megalithic sites that dot our ancient landscape.
With a deep grá for preserving our oral traditions, historical sites, and folklore, Carina is committed to keeping Ireland’s rich cultural heritage alive for future generations.
Carina has been working as a forest school leader since 2021, having completed her training the previous year. Carina’s love of plant medicine & traditional cures & folklore inspired her to leave her role as a civil servant after 23 years and to pursue a career that fulfilled her need to be connected to nature.
Having 3 children, one who is an adult now, she understands how vital it is in this modern technological era to give children a space to connect with nature in order to fulfil their needs in ways that the regimented classroom environment cannot. Carina enjoys the freedom that forest school provides to children which then enables them to shine on their own, using the skills and knowledge taught and learned in a safe woodland setting.
Carina is a trained track & trail leader and loves walking through The Curragh plains giving talks on all aspects of the local history, from the mighty Fionn and the Fianna, the near forgotten Curragh Wrens, the flora & fauna, to the modern day army encampment or heading up the Wicklow Hills to seek out the vast number of megalithic sites in our ancient land.
Carina has a deep grá for preserving and documenting our oral stories, traditions and historical sites.
Cressida Lynch
Forest School & Garraí na Leanaí Lead
Cressida spent her early years pouring over Brambly Hedge illustrations and then attempting to rebuild those whimsical worlds in her own back garden. When she left school, she faced a difficult choice between these two passions, so she followed both, earning an undergraduate degree in Illustration and a postgraduate degree in Ecology.
In 2012, Cressida began working as a youth worker at a London adventure playground that championed risky play. It was here that she was sponsored to take part in a training initiative focused on addressing knife crime and arson, which led her to a Forest School Leadership course.
After moving to Ireland, Cressida trained as an Early Years Educator at an outdoor playschool, which deepened her love for child-led learning in play-based environments.
She joined the dynamic Dúlra team in 2022, where she delights in helping children develop a strong sense of belonging and guardianship toward the natural world.

Memberships & Affiliations
Professional Memberships:
Professional Memberships:
Community Memberships:
Dúlra’s Journey
Dúlra was set up in 2022 by Kate on her return to Ireland to bring her teaching & community work outdoors in order to strengthen people’s relationship with the natural world. Throughout her teaching, Kate has seen the positive impact outdoor play and learning has on the children she has worked with.
Dúlra’s offerings are the distillation of Kate’s many years of experience with children & adults in different subject areas and contexts.